Ekki Demise as New Import Regulations are Introduced

The new ruling is aimed at prohibiting the placing of illegally produced wood products in to the EU market to help combat the unlawful felling of trees. The authorities hope the new measures will help combat climate change and deforestation of rainforests.

Illegal logging not only deprives governments of tax revenue, but encourages corruption and bad practice. It has a negative impact on social infrastructures and human well-being and causes the loss of long-term security and income for forest-based communities. All this while causing the degradation and clearing of forests and consequent loss of habitats for plants and animals.

John Roberts, Managing Director of Timbermat Ltd, one of the largest stockists of timber mats in the UK, said his company is already ensuring its imported wood meets the new EU Timber Regulations. These changes have been put in place well ahead of March 2013 deadline and Timbermats can produce certificates of origin for all of its ground protection solutions to show they meet all regulations and legal requirements.

For years contractors have used the African wood Ekki for outside construction because it requires no preservative treatment and is therefore entirely benign to the environment, the worker and the public, making it ideal for temporary road and pedestrian surfaces. ‘Unfortunately due to the new EU Timber Regulations, companies may have to seek alternative materials to Ekki for
their work,’ said Mr Roberts.

Ekki will still be imported into the UK but in much smaller quantities and this is likely to impact on its price.’ ‘Our wood experts are well aware of the new EU Timber Regulations
and their implications. We have long been anticipating the demise of Ekki as the new regulations are introduced because of the implications on tropical timber.

That is why we have been researching alternative woods which have similar qualities to Ekki. These are more sustainable species and are more widely available with no threat to the environment. For more information contact Timbermat on 08000 12 1231

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