Timbermat Have A Range Of Timber Products And Ground Protection Mats For All Sorts Of Different Applications, Sustainably Sourced From Hardwood Timber Suppliers In Europe And Around the World.
All of the timber we use is sustainably sourced and complies with the relevant regulations on import into the UK, and with certification to prove responsible forestry standards.
By using different species of wood from hardwood timber suppliers in different parts of the world, we are able to offer even more variety, with our timber products available in different sizes, thickness and stiffness to suit specific job sites and types of traffic.
27 years’ of experience
Bog mats to suit your every requirement in stock
Competitive hire and sales rates
Fast response and delivery throughout the UK and Europe
Hiab off-loading and Crossrail compliant vehicles
Stock available from our London, Manchester and Edinburgh depots

Crane Mats And Outrigger Pads
Crane mats give you a solid, stable platform for heavy-duty lifting equipment and vehicles, with outrigger pads to take the pressure of stabilising arms on soft or unstable ground. Use crane pads to create a working platform or a temporary roadway for lifting vehicle site access, with outrigger mats that can easily be repositioned as equipment moves around the site.

Demolition Protection
Heavy-duty demolition protection mats help to ensure site safety and reduce the risk of damage to the surrounding ground, roads and pavements, and infrastructure buried below the surface.
This allows even large-scale demolition work to proceed with minimal risk of rupturing a gas pipe or water main while enabling much faster clean-up of fallen debris from demolition protection mats than from the bare ground.

Ground Protection Mats
Timbermat ground protection mats have dual-sided tread – lay them one way for pedestrian walkways or flip them over for vehicle tyres and tracks.
With lifting handles and connecting holes, it’s easy to move them into position and secure them together, building an extended roadway or covering over a large area to create a working platform.

Piling Rig Mats
Strong and sturdy piling rig mats can be used to transport piling rigs into position, as well as constructing a temporary platform to keep equipment in place while piling work is carried out.
Use them to build a temporary roadway to bring mobile piling rigs on to the job site, or at the edge of the drilling location to improve ground stability during the work, and simply move them away in minutes once the platform is no longer needed.

Temporary Roadways And Walkways
Temporary roadway mats allow you to lay temporary trackways in minutes with sturdy timber mats capable of carrying heavy vehicle loads, and the natural flexibility of timber to help absorb and dissipate the forces exerted by heavy crane vehicles or fully loaded delivery trucks.
Roadway mats can be placed at the edge of an active working location to improve site access or can be positioned within the site where the ground surface is not stable enough, for example on wetland sites or in tidal locations where items need to be brought ashore or taken down to the water’s edge.
Our temporary walkway mats can be laid end to end to very quickly cover an extended distance, producing a safe, clean and dry pedestrian walkway for site access and for segregation of foot traffic away from any passing vehicles.
As with all of our timber mats, our temporary walkway mats are designed to be easy to reposition, with standard lifting points so you can reconfigure your pedestrian walkway in minutes at any time.

Other Applications
Timbermat ground protection mats are versatile, with a selection of different sizes and thicknesses, and different timber species that vary in strength and stiffness.
If you need ground protection mats, temporary roadways or temporary walkways, or any kind of site access mats for other applications, just ask and we’ll recommend the best option for the job.
You can speak to our team of experts directly on 08000 12 12 31 or fill in our online contact form to give us all the details we need to make a suitable recommendation.